Monday, August 16, 2010

How can I talk/flirt with guys?

I need some good tips on how to make guy friends. I'm 18 and all of my friends (except one) have been chicks. Please don't give the cliche answers: ';Be yourself,'; ';Treat him like any other friend,'; etc. What I usually talk about with my chick friends is girly stuff - inappropriate for a guy and girl convo. I really want to learn how to flirt with guys, but even befriending some would help at this point.How can I talk/flirt with guys?
let them talk so you find out what they're interested that you are also interested in, and just build it up from there.

as for the flirting, i don't really know xD .

make sure they like you back first or that could be quite embarrassing!

i guess giggling and ';accidental'; touching off each other, or being really close could work!

I don't know really tips on flirting xD it will come naturally when the moment arises :) .How can I talk/flirt with guys?
Start out with a casual conversation- maybe if you have a class with him refer to how ridiculous the activity is that the teachers making you do or something. That will give him the opportunity to agree and maybe even joke around about it. By laughing at his jokes, you're complimenting him because you think he's funny. Teasing is also a good strategy, but be careful not to mock him- guys don't like being put down or being treated like their dumb (or do they? ..ha ha, kidding) Playful physical contact (footsies, a gentle shove, poking, etc) is also another way to flirt... hope that helped..!
well first try and get eye contact, don't stare tho, then u need to just find some courage and go up to him and say hi im ......... laugh at his jokes, maintain eye contact and touch him, like punch him in his shoulder when he teases u if ur flirting. I ur just talking to him just talk about general stuff.
just be your self i bet they see that more attractive than you faking someone you are not you really can tell when a girl is being fake so be your self and dont be afraid of it what can be more sexy than a woman that is secure of her self !
Easy, Just do this. make an excuse to talk to them and you'll be on your way!
To flirt with guys you need to be yourself but some better things to do are:

1. Tease them playfully and joke around with them

2. Talk about things they like like sports
be cool and talk guy stuff to him. If you talk girl stuff (and ignore him) he will find sum1 else 2 talk 2
throw stuff at them.
tease them?

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