I can never find anything to talk about so all my friends are girls and since I don't go to school I never learned how to flirt. I'm in 11'th grade and I really want a bf. Most people say I look pretty but I can't get a bf!Hey so I'm a really shy homeschooled girl. How do u flirt with guys? Help please!?
just when you come upon a guy that you like or want to get to know better start off with just looking at him. maybe trying to make eye contact. smileing at him a little. and then if that goes well he might come over and talk to you and when he does just be yourself. and talk to him like hes any one of your normal frineds. im sure you are pretty but you need to show your personality more. guys like personality. so just be happy, flirty and yourself. its easy just treat him like a friend and be friendly. good luck hope all goes well :)Hey so I'm a really shy homeschooled girl. How do u flirt with guys? Help please!?
I agree with Nat.
I'm homeschooled too and I go to a co-op once a week.
It's like school for homeschoolers.
Theres plenty of guyz there!!!!!!
just try doing the things they like not like if they smoke so u start doing it. but just if they laugh at someething so u contribute to it. and try to talk to them - the guys u like ....kay
Well, if you're pretty, then don't worry, the guys will come to you.
you should ask your friend to hang out with some guys and just talk to them and become friends then eventually you'll get there.
why are you home schooled? It would be hard to meet people if you are home schooled....maybe go to the movies with friends on weekends and ask them to bring male friends along...otherwise join a social group or something to start meeting people..
Just smile and act friendly. For some reason guy brain always translates friendliness into ';nice! she digs me!'
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