boyss-- what are some of your strategies on flirting with girls.?
like if you were to come up to me and start flirting with me; what would you do.?
and girls-- how could you tell that a guy if flirting with you.?What are some ways guys flirt with girls.?
constantly touching u, keeps talking to u or ur friendsWhat are some ways guys flirt with girls.?
Um. Well I don't know. I think a guy may have liked me last year but I freaked out. He just used to play with my hair a lot. And by a lot, I mean A LOT. He'd always tell me how to do my hair. He'd comment my MySpace photo, basically every one, telling me how nice I looked. Stuff like that. Wish I had acted on it though... I'm 16 and still haven't been kissed :(
Before me and my boyfriend started going out. he would pick me up and throw me into snow banks on a regular basis, pretty much every time he saw me. And we would throw markers and stupid stuff like that. We were young.
SMILES AND EYE CONTACTS! If he doesn't do either of this, he isn't interested. Thanks for answering my questions maturely.
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